Unlocking your best from the inside out

Coaching for performance AND sustainability – finding answers to your challenges from within.

We are certified and experienced in using the Analytical Network Coaching system, with hundreds of coaching hours at executive level performed on three continents.

This coaching approach uses the world renowned 5 frames of systemic coaching, and includes:

  • Coaching the inner self: Coaching for personal insight and awareness of personal values and what matters most, such as authenticity, joy, meaning, spirituality, purpose and desire.
  • Coaching the relational self: Exploring the efficacy of our relationships, finding patterns, addressing challenges and managing emotions attached to relationships, to improve teamwork, leadership and living a full life.
  • Coaching the leader within: Coaching the client to unlock their innate and unique leadership potential, including unlocking the art of distributive leadership throughout an organization.
  • Coaching the networked self: In todays’ connected world, effective networks are critical. We help clients locate themselves and to ground them in their networks, and to develop a ‘networked mindset’ so enabling crucial nodal points.
  • Coaching the strategic mindset: Enabling clients to develop strategic agility, and deliver strategic personal, team and organizational plans after reviewing the other four frames.